What is life? The definitive answer is: ‘Life is in his Son’ 1 John 5:11, NIV. How should we live our lives? Theapostle John again gives us the answer: ‘Live a life of love’ 2 John 1:6, NCV. The apostle Paul tells us to ‘set an example’ in ‘life’, in ‘love’ . . . and in our ‘speech’ 1 Timothy 4:12, NIV.

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver’ is a splendid image of the value of public speaking. This passage, taken from Proverbs 25:11, KJV, highlights the importance of Life Club both for inside and outside the Church context. Practical training and experience in how to speak before an audience of any size is helpful in the work and study environments as well as assisting the pulpit.

Life Club encourages ‘living and sharing the gospel’ by building relationships and developing important life skills which can physically and spiritually benefit your life as well as the lives of others. Because it encourages vital goals and purposes, I recommend Life Club without any hesitation.

James & Shirley Henderson

Eugène & Donavine Sibomana

As the Bible says in Ephesians 4:12-13: The Church is ‘to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fulness of Christ’ NIV. Life Club helps to share experiences, to grow and to be a team equipped and united. It helps to develop relationships and really encourages living and sharing the gospel. Not only to provide a wide platform, but to help make a growing and peaceful community. Speeches help members to have an open mind of expression.

Life Club helps members to develop their talents: ‘For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another’ Romans 12:4-5, NKJV. Life Club provides opportunities for us to further develop our relationship with God. It can also improve our family life because effective communication is the solid foundation for family success.

Members of a family need to communicate all the time. New-born babies can only cry to express their discomfort, hunger or pain. They coo and smile when happy. As we grow up our communication matures – well, hopefully. We learn to listen and comprehend what others are communicating as well as express our opinions and desires. We admire skilful communication that touches our heart – reaches us where we are – and it can be a key to a more successful life. It can educate, encourage and persuade. It can build and strengthen relationships, lift spirits, change minds and open up opportunities.

Life Club is a valuable gift available to those congregations who wish to use it. It must surely make a special contribution to those congregations whose members now have a tool to develop their confidence in speaking before a group, expressing themselves coherently, logically and graciously, and therefore developing a greater potential for leadership in so many ways, whether in their personal interactions with others or in a more formal congregational role.

As a participant in the Body of Jesus Christ and a member of the family of our Great Father, you have been given a wonderful opportunity to attend a Life Club where many aspects of your life are just waiting to be enhanced.

It‘s FUN too! No judging, no marking, no exams; just friends enjoying and helping one another. So don’t miss it!

Rod and Ruth Matthews

José and Helen Ribeiro

Speaking is something learned at a very young age – every small new word comes with great excitement to parents/caregivers. Joy is expressed by both child and adult as the mastery of human communication develops.

As we grow older, our personality and societal conditioning can impact growth in communication. Some become ‘natural’ speakers, others not so much and still others have a ‘dread’ or fear of public speaking. Life Club is a welcome answer to people of all backgrounds and talents. Ephesians 4:11 shows that some are called to be pastors and teachers, at the same time 1 Peter 3:15 says that all are called to give an answer for the hope that is within us.

Public speaking is something we can discover that will help all areas of our life. Thinking clearly and presenting your points effectively are worthy goals which help relationships at home, work and leisure.

You may not want or need to be a public speaker just as you may not want to be an automobile mechanic, but it is of great help to know the basics. Life Club will help you in different aspects of your life, give you confidence and help you articulate clearly when you are called to give an answer for the hope you hold within. Christians will encounter opportunities to put into practice their speaking abilities during their entire life.

Pictures Life Club Bujumbura

Pictures Life Club Rugombo